1. 教科書
2. 証明の補足
- second contable base contains a countable base, hence separable
- uncountable set with cofinite topology is not 1st countable
- Dense subset of with the Eucliean topology is dense in Sorgenfrey line. https://etd.auburn.edu/bitstream/handle/10415/393/GREIWE_REGINA_16.pdf?sequence=1
- Sorgenfrey line is not second countable
- Lindelofspace Every uncountable subset of R contains one of its limit points for Euclidean topology
- Exercises4.3-#8-(ⅰ)
- Exercises4.3-#8-(Ⅱ)
- Exercises4.3-#8-(Ⅲ)
- Exercises4.3-#8-(IV),(V)
- Any subspace of separable metric space is seperable
- Open subset of Polish space is Poli space (Lemma3.4)
- A subset of Polish Space is Polish if and only if it is a G_\delta set there. P6 > Theorem 7