0.1. Def(field)
A field is a set together with two operations
addition: and
satisfying the following properties for
- Associativity of addition and multiplication:
and .
- Commutativity of addition and multiplication:
- Additive and multicative identity:
such that and .
- Additive inverses:
, called the additive inverse of , such that .
- Multiplicative inverses:
, called multiplicative inverse of such that .
- Distibutivity of multiplication over addition:
- is called the sum of and .
- is called the product of and .
(proof is below)
0.2. Def(ordered_field)
A field together with a (strict) total order) on is an ordered field if the order satisfies the following properties for all and in ;
- If then , and
- If and then .
- 1 is positive (proof))
0.3. Th(Square_is_positive)
Let together with a (strict) total order) on be an ordered field.
(Proof)とするともしくはが成立.の場合はordered fieldの定義より成立.の場合は両辺にの逆元を足すことでとなる.この時fieldの性質)より
0.4. Def(absolute_value)
A real-valued function on a field is called an absolute value if it satisfied the following four axioms.
Subadditivity or the triangle inequality
Where donotes the additive identity element of .
- It follows from positive-definiteness and multiplicativity that , where denotes the multiplicative identity element of (証明略).
- for every (下記に証明)
If is an absolute value on , then the function on , defined by , is a metric(証明略).
for every であることを示す.
0.5. Def(valued_field)
is called a valued field if is a field and is an absolute value).
0.6. Def(group)
A group is a noempty set on which there is definied a binary operation satisfying the following properties:
Closure:If and belong to , then is also in ;
Associativity: for all ;
Identity: There is an element such that for all in ;
Inverse:If is in , then there is an element $a^{-1}$ in such that .
A abelian group (commutative group) is a group satisfying the following properties;
- binary operationのことをgroup law of ということもある
- をと表記することもある
0.7. Def(Additive_group)
An additive group is a group of which the group operation is to be thought of as addition in some sense. It is usually abelian, and typically written using the symbol + for its binary operation.
0.8. Def(group_action)
If is a group and is a set, then a (left) group action of on is a function
that satisfies the following two axioms (where we denote as ):
Identity: for all in .
where denotes the identity element of the group .
Compatibility: for all in and all in .
The group is said to act on (on the left). The set is called a (left) G-set.
A group action is transitive if is non-empty and if for each pair in there exists a in such that .
A group action is faithful (or effective) (1) if for every two distinct in there exists an in such that ; or equivalently, (2) if for each in there exists an in such that .
A group action is free (or semi regular or fixed point free) if,(3) given in , the existance of an in with implies .
Equivalently: (4) If is a group element and there exists an in with (that is, if has at least one fixed point), then is the identity.
Note that (5) a fee action on a non-empty set is faithful.
Proof (2) (1)
逆は自明なので,(2) (1)のみを示す.互いに異なるを任意にとる.この時であるので,である.よって,(2)よりが存在し,であるので.
Proof (3) (4)
任意の に対してが存在し,が成立しているとする.この時(1)の仮定より, つまりはidentity.
Proof (4) (3)
この時 であるので,となる.